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Actions: October 26, 2005

Non-delegable board reports that require member action


05-1026-MO1 Motion to Close *Adopted

Reports from the General Counsel

05-1026-AR2 Workers’ Compensation – Payment for Lump Sum Settlement for Harold Branch, Case # 01 WC 20995 *Adopted
05-1026-AR3 Workers’ Compensation – Payment for Lump Sum Settlement for Robert Johnson, Case # 04 WC 06567 *Adopted
05-1026-RS6 Resolution Providing Authority for the General Counsel to Settle the Tax Rate Objection Cases Pending for the 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 & 2003 Tax Years for the Purpose of Preserving Property Tax Revenue for the Board of Education *Adopted
05-1026-AR4 Approve Payment to the Law Firm of Jenner & Block *Accepted

Reports from the Chief Executive Officer

05-1026-EX10 Principal Contracts (A) (Jeske; Deckinga) *Adopted
05-1026-EX11 Principal Contract (B) (Barton) *Adopted
05-1026-EX12 Transfer and Appoint Director, Office of Early Childhood Education (Bonnie Roelle) *Adopted
05-1026-EX13 Warning Resolution – Gail Brakie, Principal, Deneen Elementary School *Adopted
05-1026-EX14 Warning Resolution – Lawrence Braniff, Teacher, Assigned to McKay School *Adopted
05-1026-EX15 Warning Resolution – Bruce Crisler, Teacher, Garrett A. Morgan Elementary School *Adopted
05-1026-EX16 Warning Resolution – Luciana Dickens, Teacher, Assigned to Jefferson Alternative High School *Adopted
05-1026-EX17 Warning Resolution – Juwana Foster, Teacher, Assigned to Fairfield Academy *Adopted
05-1026-EX18 Warning Resolution – Natividad Loredo, Principal, Benito Juarez Community Academy *Adopted
05-1026-EX19 Warning Resolution – Cynthia Simmons, Teacher, Assigned to Carroll/Rosenwald School *Adopted
05-1026-EX20 Report of the Results of the Board of Education’s Review of the Findings of Fact and Recommendation of the Hearing Officer Regarding the Charges Preferred Against Sonia James, a Teacher Assigned to Nancy B. Jefferson School *Adopted
05-1026-EX21 Report of the Results of the Board’s Review of the Findings of Fact and Recommendation of the Hearing Officer Regarding the Charges Preferred Against Brenda Sawyer, Teacher Formerly Assigned to Grant Community Academy *Adopted
05-1026-EX22 Note: Action Rescinded April 26, 2006 See Board Report 06-0426-EX20 No action

Reports from the Board of Education

05-1026-RS7 Resolution by the Board of Education of the City of °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Êapp Regarding the Dismissal of Sonia James, Tenured Teacher, Assigned to Nancy B. Jefferson School *Adopted
05-1026-RS8 Resolution by the Board of Education of the City of °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Êapp Regarding the Reinstatement of Brenda Sawyer, Tenured Teacher, Formerly Assigned to Grant Community Academy *Adopted
05-1026-RS9 Note: Action Rescinded April 26, 2006 See Board Report 06-0426-RS5 No action
05-1026-RS10 Resolution Authorizing the Honorable Termination of Regularly Certified and Appointed Teachers *Adopted


05-1026-RS1 Resolution Re: Hispanic Heritage Month Accepted
05-1026-RS2 Resolution Providing for the Issue of Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bonds (Dedicated Revenues – Westinghouse High School Project), Series 2005C, of the Board of Education of the City of °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Êapp in an Aggregate Principal Amount Not to Exceed $53,750,000, for the Purpose of Paying Part of the Cost of Certain Capital Improvements in and for Said Board Adopted
05-1026-RS3 Resolution Expressing Official Intent Regarding Capital Expenditures for Skinner Elementary School to be Reimbursed with Proceeds of an Obligation Adopted
05-1026-RS4 Amend Board Report 98-0128-RS7 Amended Resolution Re: Appointment of the Members of the Executive Committee of the Payroll Deductions Campaign (96-1120-RS1) Adopted
05-1026-RS5 Resolution Re: Appointment of Teacher Representatives to the Local School Councils to Fill Teacher Representative Vacancies Adopted


05-1026-PO1 Rescind Board Report 04-0324-PO3 Elementary School Promotion Policy and Adopt a New Elementary School Promotion Policy *Adopted
05-1026-PO2 Amend Board Report 04-0922-PO4 Adopt a New Policy to Establish Renaissance Schools *Adopted

Board Rules

05-1026-RU1 Amend Board Rule 2-27 Delegation of Board Authority *Adopted


05-1026-CO1 Communication Re: Approve °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Êapp Sister Cities International Sister Schools Abroad Program Teacher Exchange Special Leave Without Loss of Salary – Daniel Winkler (05-1026-ED12) *No action
05-1026-ED12 Approve °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Êapp Sister Cities International Sister Schools Abroad Program Teacher Exchange Special Leave Without Loss of Salary – Daniel Winkler *Adopted
05-1026-CO2 Communication Re: Location of Board Meeting of November 16, 2005 125 S. Clark Street (Board Chamber) *No action

Reports from the Chief Executive Officer

05-1026-EX1 Transfer of Funds Adopted
05-1026-EX2 Amend Board Report 05-0622-EX2 Amend Board Report 03-0225-EX07 Approve the Renewal of the Charter School Agreement with Octavio Paz UNO Charter School Adopted

Reports from the Chief Education Officer

05-1026-ED1 Report on Student Expulsions for September 2005 Adopted
05-1026-ED2 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Êapp Arts Partnerships in Education (CAPE) for Professional Development, Support Services and Materials Adopted
05-1026-ED3 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Alicia Narvaez for Consulting Services Adopted
05-1026-ED4 Amend Board Report 05-0928-ED5 Approve Entering Into Agreements with Various Vendors for Parent Outreach Services Adopted
05-1026-ED5 Amend Board Report 05-0824-ED7 Amend Board Report 05-0622-ED3 Approve Agreements with Various Agencies for Early Childhood Educational Services Adopted
05-1026-ED6 Approve Payment to Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy for Illinois Virtual High School Tuition Fees Adopted
05-1026-ED7 Ratify Entering Into Consulting Agreements with Various Universities for the Advanced Reading Development Demonstration Project Adopted
05-1026-ED8 Amend Board Report 05-0427-ED19 Amend Board Report 05-0126-ED12 Amend Board Report 04-1027-ED12 Amend Board Report 04-0526-PR50 Approve Exercising the First Option to Renew the Agreements with Various Private Residential Schools and Approve Payment of Room and Board to These Schools Adopted
05-1026-ED9 Amend Board Report 05-0824-ED9 Amend Board Report 05-0323-ED3 Amend Board Report 04-1027-ED10 Amend Board Report 04-0728-ED7 Approve Entering Into Agreements with Various Private Specialized Schools, and Authorize Payments to Private Specialized Schools Adopted

Reports from the Chief Purchasing Officer

05-1026-PR1 Approve the Award of Construction Contracts and Approve Changes to Construction Contracts for the Board of Education’s Capital Improvement Program *Adopted as amended
05-1026-PR2 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Amer-I-Can Enterprises II, Inc. for Mentoring Services Adopted
05-1026-PR3 Amend Board Report 05-0727-PR15 Amend Board Report 05-0427-PR3 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with the City of °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Êapp’s Department of Fleet Management for the Purchase of Fuel Adopted
05-1026-PR4 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Know-How, Ltd. for Consulting Services Adopted
05-1026-PR5 Amend Board Report 05-0525-PR6 Approve the Pre-Qualification Status of and Approve Entering Into Agreements with Various Consultants to Provide Technology Support Services Adopted
05-1026-PR6 Approve Payment to and Ratify an Agreement with Oracle Corporation for Software Licenses and Technical Support Adopted
05-1026-PR7 Amend Board Report 05-0727-PR20 Approve Entering Into a Subscription Agreement with the College Entrance Examination Board for Program Licenses, Professional Development, Support Services and Materials Adopted
05-1026-PR8 Approve Payment to TIME for Kids to Purchase Magazine Subscriptions to Support After School Programming Adopted
05-1026-PR9 Authorize Placement of the Board’s Environmental Insurance Through Mesirow Insurance Services, Inc. Adopted
05-1026-PR10 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Filenet Corporation for the Purchase of Software Maintenance Services Adopted
05-1026-PR11 Amend Board Report 05-0727-PR22: Approve Ratify Exercising the Option to Renew the Agreement with ASCL Educational Services, Inc. Adopted
05-1026-PR12 Amend Board Report 04-0324-PR20 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois for Health Care Administrative Services Adopted
05-1026-PR13 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Oracle Corporation for PeopleSoft Professional Development Services Adopted
05-1026-PR14 Ratify Exercising the Option to Renew the Agreement with Various Agencies for Support Services for the Attendance Initiative Program Adopted
05-1026-PR15 Ratify Exercising the Option to Renew the Agreement with Life Directions, Inc. °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Êapp for Support Services for the Attendance Initiative Program Adopted
05-1026-PR16 Approve Exercising the Second Option to Renew the Agreement with Illinois State Police Adopted
05-1026-PR17 Approve Payment to the City of °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Êapp for Security Services Rendered at Various High Schools Adopted

Reports from the Chief Executive Officer

05-1026-EX3 Department of Human Resources Summary of Teacher New Hires, Transfers, and Leaves Quarterly Summary (July, August, September 2005) Accepted
05-1026-EX4 Department of Human Resources Summary of Educational Support Personnel New Hires, Transfers, Leaves, Layoffs, Promotions, and Separations Quarterly Summary (July, August, September 2005) Accepted
05-1026-EX5 Department of Human Resources Summary of Conference Leaves: Administrators, Teachers, and Educational Support Personnel Quarterly Summary (July, August, September 2005) Accepted
05-1026-EX6 Department of Human Resources Summary of Resignations and Deaths Quarterly Report (July, August, September 2005) Accepted
05-1026-EX7 Department of Human Resources Summary of Salary Adjustments Quarterly Report (July, August, September 2005) Accepted
05-1026-EX8 Department of Human Resources Summary of Assistant Principal Appointments Quarterly Summary (July, August and September 2005) Accepted
05-1026-EX9 Office of Labor and Employee Relations Disciplinary Actions Summary Quarterly Report (July, August and September 2005) Accepted

Reports from the Chief Education Officer

05-1026-ED10 Approve Special Leave of Absence for Members of the Educational Support Personnel Accepted
05-1026-ED11 Ratify Approving a Special On-Loan Leave of Absence for Jan Letts Accepted

Reports from the General Counsel

05-1026-AR1 Report on Board Report Rescissions Accepted
*Presented at the meeting

I, Susan J. Narrajos, Secretary, do hereby certify that the reports listed and the action noted opposite each report number is correct and reflects the order in which items were presented to the Board.

Susan J. Narrajos