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Actions: April 26, 2023

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Agenda of Action


23-0426-MO1 Motion RE: Recess *Adopted

Non-delegable board reports that require member action


23-0426-MO2 Motion RE: Approval of Record of Proceedings of Meeting Open to the Public March 22, 2023 *Adopted


23-0426-RS1 Amend Board Report 23-0125-RS4 Resolution Authorize Appointment of Members to Local School Councils to Fill Vacancies Adopted
23-0426-RS2 Resolution Authorize Appointment of Members to Local School Councils to Fill Vacancies Adopted


23-0426-PO1 Amend Board Report 21-0428-PO2 Amend Board Report 17-1206-PO4 Paid Time Off Policy *Adopted as amended
23-0426-PO2 Rescind Board Report 05-0323-PO1 and Adopt New Fleet Management & Operations Policy Adopted
23-0426-PO3 Adopt New Policy Identifying Schools in Good Standing, Remediation and Probation in Compliance with State Law Adopted
23-0426-PO4 Adopt New District Policy for Continuous Improvement and Data Transparency Adopted


23-0426-RU1 Adopt New Section 1-11 in Chapter I of the Board Rules Concerning Organization of the Board, Rescind Sections 2-5, 2-6, and 5-4 and Adopt New Sections 2-5, 2-6, and 5-4 and Adopt New Sections 2-17 through 2-21 in Chapter II of the Board Rules Concerning Conduct of the Business of the Board of Education and Chapter V of the Board Rules Concerning Financial Rules Adopted
23-0426-RU2 Amend Board Rule 4-15 with Respect to Bereavement Leaves Without Pay Adopted
23-0426-RU3 Amend Section 3.2 and Chapter VII of the Board Rules Concerning Procurement and Contracting Adopted

Reports from the Chief Executive Officer

23-0426-EX1 Transfer of Funds Adopted
23-0426-EX2 Amend Board Report 22-0525-EX3 Approve the Second Option to Renew the Intergovernmental Agreement with the Department of Family & Support Services (DFSS) -The City of 澳门六合彩app Adopted
23-0426-EX3 Authorize a New Placement Agreement with Northwest Passage Limited (LTD.) Regarding A.S. Adopted

Reports from the Acting Chief Procurement Officer

23-0426-PR1 Amend Board Report 22-0622-PR3 Authorize New Agreements with Various Vendors for School Based Therapy and Psychological Services Adopted
23-0426-PR2 Authorize the First Renewal Agreement with National Louis University for Class Professional Development for Pre-K Services Adopted
23-0426-PR3 Authorize the First Renewal Agreement with NCS Pearson, Inc. DBA Certiport, a Business of NCS Pearson, Inc. to Purchase a Developmental Screening Tool Adopted
23-0426-PR4 Authorize the Second Renewal Agreement with Electrical Joint Apprenticeship and Training Trust to Provide Educational Services Adopted
23-0426-PR5 Authorize a New Agreement with DeVry University, Inc for the DeVry Advantage Academy School Adopted
23-0426-PR6 Authorize a New Agreement with the National Center for Improvement of Educational Assessment, Inc. for Accountability Redesign Support Services Adopted
23-0426-PR7 Authorize the Ratification and Extension Agreements for Sustainable Community Schools Services Adopted
23-0426-PR8 Authorize New Agreements with Various Not-For-Profit Organizations for Community Schools Initiative (CSI) Sustainable Community School Services Adopted
23-0426-PR9 Authorize the First Renewal Agreements with Vendors for the Purchase of Educational Supplies Adopted
23-0426-PR10 Authorize a New Agreement with College Board for College Entrance Exams, Professional Development and Related Services Adopted
23-0426-PR11 Amend Board Report 21-1215-PR5 Authorize the First, Second and Final Renewal Agreement with Jacobs Projects Management Co. for Capital Program Management Services Adopted
23-0426-PR12 Amend Board Report 22-1207-PR6 Amend Board Report 22-1026-PR9 Amend Board Report 21-1215-PR4 Amend Board Report 20-1216-PR3 Authorize the Pre-Qualification Status of and New Agreements with Various Contractors to Provide Various Trades Work Over $25,000 for the Operations and Maintenance Program Adopted
23-0426-PR13 Authorize the Extension of the Agreement with Various Vendors for Roofing Consulting Services Adopted
23-0426-PR14 Authorize the Extension and Ratification of the Agreement with Various Contractors to Provide Professional Geotech Investigation and Televised Rodding Services Adopted
23-0426-PR15 Authorize the Extension and Ratification of the Agreement with Various Vendors for Professional Survey Services Adopted
23-0426-PR16 Report on the Award of Construction Contracts and Changes to Construction Contracts for the Board of Education鈥檚 Capital Improvement Program Adopted
23-0426-PR17 Authorize the Second (Final) Renewal Agreement with RL Canning, Inc. for Service Desk and Tech Support Services Adopted
23-0426-PR18 Authorize a New Agreement with CDW Government LLC for Building Automation System (BAS) Installation, Maintenance, Repair and Resources Adopted
23-0426-PR19 Authorize the First Renewal Agreement with Various Vendors for Food Management Services Adopted
23-0426-PR20 Authorize the First and Second (Final) Renewal Agreement with One Million Degrees to Provide Support to Teach 澳门六合彩app Tomorrow Students Adopted

Delegable Reports

Report from the Chief Financial Officer

23-0426-FN1 Chief Financial Officer Report for March 2023 on the Emergency Authority Exercised Under Resolution 22-0622-RS4 Accepted

Report from the Acting Chief Procurement Officer

23-0426-PR21 Chief Procurement Officer Delegation of Authority Report for February 2023 Pursuant to Board Rule 7-13(i) and Chief Financial Officer Report for February 2023 Pursuant to Board Rule 7-13(d) Accepted

Reports from the Chief Executive Officer

23-0426-EX4 Report on Principal Contracts (New) Accepted
23-0426-EX5 Report on Principal Contracts (Renewals) Accepted
23-0426-EX6 Amend Board Report 23-0322-EX3 Report on Principal Contracts (Renewals) Accepted

Report from the General Counsel

23-0426-AR1 Report on Board Report Rescissions Accepted

Non-delegable board reports that require member action

Reports from the General Counsel

23-0426-AR2 Transfer and Appoint Managing Deputy General Counsel Department of Law (Libby N. Massey) Adopted
23-0426-AR3 Transfer and Appoint Managing Deputy General Counsel Department of Law (Elizabeth K. Barton) Adopted
23-0426-AR4 Transfer and Ratify Appointment of Assistant Deputy General Counsel Department of Law (R. Howard Jump) Adopted
23-0426-AR5 Appoint Assistant General Counsel Department of Law (Wynetta D. McIntosh) Adopted
23-0426-AR6 Appoint Assistant General Counsel Department of Law (Esmeralda Rubio) Adopted
23-0426-AR7 Workers' Compensation Payment for Lump Sum Settlement for Joan Clifton - Case No. 18 WC 034776 Adopted
23-0426-AR8 Workers' Compensation Payment for Lump Sum Settlement for Lorraine Mitchell - Case No. 08 WC 56694 Adopted
23-0426-AR9 Personal Injury - Authorize Payment of Settlement for Faye Jenkins - Case No. 21 L 002975 Adopted

Report from the Chief Executive Officer

23-0426-EX7 Report on Principal Contract (New ALSC) (Victor Iturralde, Solorio HS) Adopted

Reports from the Board of Education

23-0426-RS3 Resolution by the Board of Education of the City of 澳门六合彩app Regarding the Dismissal of Allison Saunders, Tenured Teacher, Assigned to Edward Beasley Elementary Magnet Academic Center Adopted
23-0426-RS4 Resolution Approving Chief Executive Officer's Recommendation to Dismiss Educational Support Personnel Adopted
23-0426-RS5 Resolution Approving Chief Executive Officer's Recommendation to Dismiss Probationary Appointed Teachers Adopted


23-0426-MO3 Motion RE: Adopt and Maintain as Confidential Closed Session Minutes from March 22, 2023 *Adopted
23-0426-MO4 Motion to Hold a Closed Session *Adopted

Reports from the Chief Executive Officer

23-0426-EX8 Transfer and Appoint Chief Talent Officer Effective April 26, 2023 (Benjamin Felton) *Adopted
23-0426-EX9 Warning Resolution-Juan Figueroa, Tenured Teacher, Assigned to Sarah E. Goode Stem Academy High School *Adopted
*Presented at the meeting

I, Susan J. Narrajos, Secretary, do hereby certify that the reports listed and the action noted opposite each report number is correct and reflects the order in which items were presented to the Board.

Susan J. Narrajos