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Actions: December 14, 2011

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Non-delegable board reports that require member action


11-1214-MO1 Motion to Hold a Closed Session *Adopted

Reports from the General Counsel

11-1214-AR2 Authorize Continued Retention of the Law Firm Franczek Radelet P.C. *Accepted
11-1214-AR3 Workers' Compensation – Payment for Lump Sum Settlement for Toni J. Allison – Case No. 07 WC 45689 *Adopted
11-1214-AR4 Workers' Compensation – Payment for Lump Sum Settlement for Basheba Davis – Case Nos. 06 WC 50129, 07 WC 31719, 09-WC 2320, 10 WC 16651 *Adopted
11-1214-AR5 Workers' Compensation – Payment for Lump Sum Settlement for Pierre L. Moore - Case No. 10 WC 36973 *Adopted
11-1214-AR6 Workers' Compensation – Payment for Lump Sum Settlement for Lestine Vines - Case No. 10 WC 9431 *Adopted
11-1214-AR7 Transfer and Appoint Senior Assistant General Counsel, Department of Law (Sunil Kumar) *Adopted

Reports from the Chief Executive Officer

11-1214-EX11 Warning Resolution – David Laurincik, Tenured Teacher – Guglielmo Marconi Elementary Community Academy *Adopted
11-1214-EX12 Warning Resolution – Francine Schafer, Teacher, Assigned to Gunsaulus Elementary School *Adopted
11-1214-EX13 Warning Resolution – Linda Tart, Tenured Teacher, Hirsch High School *Adopted
11-1214-EX14 Warning Resolution – Doretta Wilson-Carr, Tenured Teacher, Carver Elementary School *Adopted
11-1214-EX15 Adopt Finding that Pupils are Non-Residents of the City of °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Êapp Indebted to the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Êapp Public Schools for Non-Resident Tuition *Adopted

Reports from the Board of Education

11-1214-RS11 Resolution by the Board of Education of the City of °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Êapp Regarding the Dismissal Proceedings Regarding Victor Jackson, Tenured Teacher, Assigned to Jackie Robinson Elementary School *Adopted
11-1214-RS12 Resolution by the Board of Education of the City of °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Êapp Regarding the Dismissal of Nicole Plesha, Tenured Teacher, Assigned to Carver Elementary School *Adopted
11-1214-RS13 Resolution Approving Chief Executive Officer's Recommendation to Dismiss Educational Support Personnel *Adopted
11-1214-RS14 Resolution Approving Chief Executive Officer's Recommendation to Dismiss Probationary Appointed Teacher *Adopted
11-1214-RS15 Resolution Authorizing the Honorable Termination of Regularly Certified and Appointed Teachers *Adopted


11-1214-RS1 Resolution Abating the Tax Heretofore Levied for the Year 2011 to Pay Debt Service on Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bonds (Dedicated Tax Revenues) Series 1997A, of the Board of Education of the City of °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Êapp Adopted
11-1214-RS2 Resolution Abating the Tax Heretofore Levied for the Year 2011 to Pay Debt Service on Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bonds (Dedicated Tax Revenues), Series 1998B-1, of the Board of Education of the City of °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Êapp Adopted
11-1214-RS3 Resolution Abating the Tax Heretofore Levied for the Year 2011 to Pay Debt Service on Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bonds (Dedicated Tax Revenues), Series 1999A, of the Board of Education of the City of °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Êapp Adopted
11-1214-RS4 Resolution Abating the Tax Heretofore Levied for the Year 2011 to Pay Debt Service on Unlimited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bonds (Dedicated Tax Revenues), Series 2007BC, of the Board of Education of the City of °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Êapp Adopted
11-1214-RS5 Resolution Levying Taxes for the Fiscal Year 2011-2012 for School Purposes of the Board of Education of the City of °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Êapp Adopted
11-1214-RS6 Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Filing of a Controller's Certificate for School Taxes to be Extended for Collection in Calendar Year 2012 Adopted
11-1214-RS7 Resolution for Budget Transfers to Reflect District Reorganization Adopted
11-1214-RS8 Resolution Re: Appointments to Appointed Local School Councils to Fill Vacancies for the Term of Office Ending June 30, 2012 Adopted
11-1214-RS9 Resolution Re: Appointment of Non-Teaching Staff Representatives to Fill Vacancies on Elected Local School Councils for the Term of Office Ending June 30, 2012 Adopted
11-1214-RS10 Resolution Re: Appointment of Teacher Representatives to Fill Local School Council Vacancies for the Term of Office Ending June 30, 2012 Adopted


11-1214-PO1 Extend the Remedial Program for Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Participation in Construction Projects *Adopted


11-1214-CO1 Communication Re: Location of Board Meeting of January 25, 2012 – 125 S. Clark Street (Board Chamber) *No action
11-1214-CO2 Communication from the Chief Financial Officer Concerning The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report of the Board for Fiscal Year 2011 *No action

Reports from the Chief Executive Officer

11-1214-EX1 Transfer of Funds* *[Note: The complete document will be on File in the Office of the Board] Adopted
11-1214-EX2 Adjust the Local School Council Community Voting District Boundaries of Frank W. Gunsaulus Elementary Scholastic Academy Adopted
11-1214-EX3 Amend Board Report 11-0126-EX8 Amend Board Report 10-0922-EX3 Amend Board Report 10-0428-EX3 Amend Board Report 09-1123-EX9 Amend Board Report 09-0826-EX10 Amend Board Report 09-0422-EX3 Amend Board Report 09-0325-EX14 Amend Board Report 08-1217-EX7 Approve the Renewal of the Charter School Agreement with Noble Network of Charter Schools Adopted
11-1214-EX4 Amend Board Report 11-0323-EX5 Amend Board Report 09-1123-EX11 Approve the Granting of a Charter and Entering Into a Charter School Agreement with Academy for Global Citizenship, an Illinois Not-for-Profit Corporation Adopted
11-1214-EX5 Amend Board Report 11-0323-EX9 Approve the Renewal of the Charter School Agreement with Lawndale Educational and Regional Network (L.E.A.R.N.) Charter School, Inc. Adopted
11-1214-EX6 Amend Board Report 11-0525-EX7 Amend Board Report 11-0126-EX6 Amend Board Report 10-0526-EX5 Amend Board Report 10-0428-EX2 Amend Board Report 09-1123-EX7 Amend Board Report 09-0826-EX8 Amend Board 08-0924-EX8 Amend Board Report 08-0602-EX7 Approve the Renewal of the Charter School Agreement with UNO Charter School Adopted
11-1214-EX7 Approve the Granting of a Charter and Entering Into a Charter School Agreement with Catalyst Schools, an Illinois Not for Profit Corporation Adopted
11-1214-EX8 Approve the Granting of a Charter and Entering Into a Charter School Agreement with Christopher House, Inc. an Illinois Not for Profit Corporation Adopted

Reports from the Chief Education Officer

11-1214-ED1 Report on Student Expulsions for November 2011 Adopted
11-1214-ED2 Authorize Tuition Payments to Various Universities for Mathematics and Science Coursework Withdrawn

Reports from the Chief Financial Officer

11-1214-FN1 Approve Entering Into the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Êapp Public Schools Consortium Agreement with Various Charter Schools to Maximize E-Rate Discounts at °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Êapp Public Schools Facilities Adopted

Reports from the Chief Operating Officer

11-1214-OP1 Amend Board Report 10-1215-OP1 Amend Board Report 10-0825-OP1 Approve Entering Into an Intergovernmental Agreement to Exchange Land, an Amendment to the Lease Between the Public Building Commission and the Board, a Shared use and Temporary License Agreement with the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Êapp Park District Each in Connection with an Addition to the Edgebrook School *Adopted as amended

Reports from the Chief Purchasing Officer

11-1214-PR1 Report on Emergency Expenditures Withdrawn
11-1214-PR2 Amend Board Report 11-0622-PR3 Approve Exercising the Option to Renew the Agreement with CDW Government, LLC (CDW-G) for the Purchase of Software Resale and Support Services and Products Adopted
11-1214-PR3 Approve Agreement with Silk Screen Express, Inc. for the Purchase of Police, Fire and Public Safety Apparel and Equipment Adopted
11-1214-PR4 Approve the Pre-Qualification Status of and Agreements with Contractors to Provide Various Trades for Operations and Maintenance Work Over $10,000 Adopted
11-1214-PR5 Approve the Award of Construction Contracts and Approve Changes to Construction Contracts for the Board of Education's Capital Improvement Program Adopted
11-1214-PR6 Amend Board Report 10-1027-PR12 Approve Exercising the Option to Renew the Agreement with Oracle USA America, Inc. Adopted
11-1214-PR7 Amend Board Report 11-0223-PR4 Approve Entering Into Agreements with Dell Marketing, L.P., Dell Financial, Sentinel Technologies (CISCO), Inc. and Vion Corporation (Hitachi) for the Purchase and/or Lease of Network Servers Adopted
11-1214-PR8 Approve Agreements with Various Vendors for Virtual Learning Online Courses and Support Services Adopted
11-1214-PR9 Ratify Exercising the First Option to Renew the Agreements with St. Mark International and New Life to Provide Safe Haven Sites and Services Adopted
11-1214-PR10 Amend Board Report 10-0127-PR19 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Rogers Park Community Development Corporation for Consulting Services Adopted
11-1214-PR11 Amend Board Report 11-0525-PR20 Amend Board Report 10-1117-PR20 Amend Board Report 09-1216-PR26 Amend Board Report 09-0128-PR16 Ratify Amendment to Board Report 08-0827-PR24 Amend Board Report 07-1024-PR21 Amend Board Report 07-0228-PR12 Amend Board Report 05-0824-PR11 Amend Board Report 05-0323-PR14 Approve Exercising the Option to Renew the Agreement with Various Companies for Defined Contribution Retirement Services Adopted
11-1214-PR12 Approve Agreement with Coghlan Kukankos LLC to Provide Subrogation and Other Services Adopted
11-1214-PR13 Approve Agreement with Highbar Consulting, Inc for Principal Eligibility Process Services Adopted
11-1214-PR14 Approve Agreement with United Behavioral Health to Provide Management and Administrative Services Adopted
11-1214-PR15 Amend Board Report 11-0323-PR21 Amend Board Report 10-0526-PR27 Amend Board Report 09-0826-PR34 Approve Entering Into Agreements with Various Consultants for Behavioral Health Services Adopted
11-1214-PR16 Amend Board Report 11-0525-PR40 Ratify Exercising the Second Option to Renew a Software License Agreement with Cityspan, Inc. Adopted
11-1214-PR17 Amend Board Report 11-0727-PR30 Approve Entering Into Agreements with Various Vendors to Provide Support Services for the Pathways to Accelerated Student Success Program Adopted
11-1214-PR18 Approve Agreement with Planned Parenthood of Illinois (PPIL) for the Purchase of Training and Implementation Services *Adopted as amended
11-1214-PR19 Amend Board Report 10-0526-PR29 Approve Entering Into Room and Board Agreements with Various Private Residential Schools and Approve Payment of Room and Board to These Schools Adopted
11-1214-PR20 Amend Board Report 10-0623-PR44 Approve Entering Into Agreements with Various Private Specialized School Providers and Authorizing Payments to Private Specialized School Providers Adopted


Reports from the Chief Operating Officer

11-1214-OP2 Amend Board Report 11-0525-OP1 Approve New Lease Agreement with Academy for Global Citizenship Charter School for Lease of a Portion of the Hearst Annex Located at 4941 West 46th Street Accepted
11-1214-OP3 Approve Renewal of the Lease Agreement with Fortunes From a Farr, LLC for Lease of Space at 641 South Plymouth Court for Jones High School Accepted

Reports from the Chief Executive Officer

11-1214-EX9 Principal Contracts (A) Accepted
11-1214-EX10 Principal Contracts (B) Accepted

Reports from the General Counsel

11-1214-AR1 Report on Board Report Rescissions *Accepted as amended
*Presented at the meeting

I, Susan J. Narrajos, Secretary, do hereby certify that the reports listed and the action noted opposite each report number is correct and reflects the order in which items were presented to the Board.

Susan J. Narrajos